
在口腔健康的科学领域追求先进的学习和研究 口腔健康科学理学硕士威尼斯赌场网站科恩伯格牙科学院任教. 学生们在这个严谨的, 40-credit master’s program gain expertise in oral and craniofacial structures and their function in health and disease, as well as the application of modern biological principles and research techniques in the diagnosis, 治疗和预防口腔和颅面疾病和异常.

通过这个项目, 你们将学习它的结构, development and function of oral tissues; their interrelationships; and their connections to other organ systems. Students become advanced clinical scholars through the interdisciplinary structure of the curriculum, which focuses on multiple dental and biomedical science disciplines in oral health including anatomy, 微生物学, 疼痛的神经生理学, 口腔微生物组, 药理学, 生理学与再生医学, 特别强调这些领域与口腔健康和疾病的关系.

You will also gain graduate-level training and experience in contemporary laboratory techniques and research methodology and technology, 从事学术界或工业界的职业需要哪些技能. 研究领域包括

  • 高级普通牙科;
  • 临床领域,如牙髓学, 牙周病和口腔种植, 口腔正畸学, 牙科公共卫生; 
  • 口腔微生物学与免疫学;
  • periodontal and craniofacial regeneration; and
  • pulp biology; among many others.

的 school’s humanistic approach to patient care and its location in North Philadelphia provide students in clinical tracks with a diverse patient population. 因为这个项目提供临床和非临床两种途径, those who are not enrolled in an advanced training certificate program at Kornberg can choose courses offered across all dental specialty programs and disciplines. 每个课程至少需要40个学分, 所有学生完成一个自主原创的学术研究项目.


You’ll have the flexibility to complete either clinical or nonclinical training through one of the following tracks.

临床实习 track is a stand-alone program for students who aren’t enrolled in an advanced training certificate program in the Kornberg School of Dentistry, 但谁希望扩大他们的了解临床牙科. 的 completion of a dental degree prior to admission into the MS program is required for this track.

的 临床前的实习 track is a stand-alone program for students with or without a dental degree who have an interest in advanced master’s-level education in oral health sciences. 本课程不包括临床课程. Applicants are not required to have previous education in dentistry for admission into this track.

的 临床专业 track is tailored for postgraduate students currently enrolled in a CODA-accredited advanced training certificate program in the Kornberg School of Dentistry. Coursework in students’ postgraduate certificate programs count toward the required 40 credits for the 口腔健康科学硕士 degree.


成功完成本课程的学生 牙科学院学士学位课程 最少3个.0 GPA and two letters of reference from instructors in their program may opt to complete an additional year of coursework to earn the 口腔健康科学理学硕士. 符合条件的学生, 15 credits from the Postbaccalaureate program will be applied towards the completion of the 40-credit master’s degree. 有一些限制. 


类 & 课程

40学分的口腔健康科学硕士课程是跨学科的, 跨越解剖学等基础生物医学的传统院系界限, 微生物学, 药理学和生理学. 

Students not enrolled in an advanced training certificate program may choose to earn the 口腔健康科学硕士 degree on either a full- or part-time basis. Students enrolled in a Commission on Dental 认证-accredited advanced training certificate program at the Kornberg School of Dentistry earn the degree on a full-time basis.

Students who are not enrolled in a specialty certificate program can choose course offerings across all dental specialty programs and disciplines in the Kornberg School of Dentistry.

All students in the 口腔健康科学硕士 complete required core courses comprising 24 credits. 剩下的学分在高级培训证书课程中获得, 或临床实习或非临床方向. 


  • 高级口腔颌面放射学
  • 循证牙科导论
  • 口腔和颅面分子生物学
  • 口腔微生物学与免疫学
  • 研究方法和研究设计




学费 & 费用

为了与坦普尔大学对获取和负担得起的承诺保持一致, this Master of Science offers a competitive level of tuition with multiple opportunities for financial support.

学费由大学每年设定,并受到多种因素的影响, 包括课程学位水平(本科或研究生), 课程负荷(全日制或非全日制), 居住在州内或州外, 和更多的. 这些学费适用于2024-2025学年.

宾夕法尼亚州居民: $1,628.每学分00美元
州外: $1,628.每学分00美元

你可以看到完整的 学生财务服务网站上的出勤费用明细.